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'I was always a filmmaker before I was anything else. If I was always anything, I was a storyteller, and it never really made much of a difference to me what medium I worked in.'
Nicholas Meyer
Christopher Good & Andreina Byrne
"Be patient and stick to your creative guns-just do what you believe in and don’t chase trends."
"The exposure and prestige are absolutely helpful, particularly for emerging filmmakers."
Lucía Garibaldi
"The film is about a young girl growing up. It's about that particular moment."
Hari Sama
"...I was a recent teenager when I met this group of young people, very extreme artists that were doing this crazy..."
Samantha Buck & Marie Schlingmann
"One of the perks of our partnership for me has always been that Sam brings an actor’s sensibility."
Jeffrey Palmer
"The first time I ever picked up a video camera, I began making films."
JB Ghuman Jr.
"Well to be honest, I look out at the world and it’s filled with so many wonderful things."
Jacek Borcuch
"I wanted to sing in the opera or fly into space but threw those ideas away and studied philosophy instead."
Caleb Jaffe
"Making a film is so demanding and requires many people dedicating many hours. Collaboration is a necessity."
Geoff Marslett
To have The Phantom recognized by the festival... means more to me than I can really put into words."
Fernando Maldonado & Jorge Tereso
"I had a super 8 since I was a kid. But I could never buy the rolls for it."
Carlen May-Mann
"I think I turned my back for 5 minutes, and when I came back the set had bloomed into existence."
Alexandra Lazarowich
"I think it's important to acknowledge the other indigenous filmmakers at Sundance this year."
Arman Fayyaz
"In my opinion, cinema is the most republican art for the creation of humanity."
David Nessl
"I would be honoured to receive an award for CHICHI, especially a Short Film Grand Jury Prize."
Amber Sealey
"And over the years I’ve also fallen in love with the technical side of filmmaking."
Robb Boardman, Donny Divanian & Cory Loykasek
"We each have our own specialities but every step is collaborative and that's vital to what we do."
Anette Sidor
"When I wrote the script, I used my teenage life as an inspiration in order to get closer to the characters..."
Meryam Joobeur
"Rayene to act in the film and from the experience learned the importance of following your instinct."
Stefanie Abel Horowitz
"It's actually based on a play that I directed in New York in 2013."
May el-Toukhy
"I wanted to explore what the needed components are, in order for a family secret to flourish."
Alex Kavutskiy
" I locked into a premise early on that I loved but had a tough time formulating the story after the first scene."
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